- 2016.09–2021.12, D.Sc. in Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China
- 2012.09–2016.07, B.Sc. in Statistics, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China
Work Experiences
- 2023.02–Present, Postdoctoral Researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Supervisor: Prof. Hiroya Nakao
Research Experiences
- 2019.11–2020.06, Visiting Scholar, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
- Supervisor: Prof. Juergen Kurths (Member of the Academia Europaea, Editor-in-Chief of Chaos)
- 2018.08–2018.08, Visiting Scholar, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
- Supervisor: Prof. Juergen Kurths
- 2018.04–2018.05, Visiting Scholar, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
- Supervisor: Prof. Juergen Kurths
Research Interests
Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Stochastic Dynamics, Random Vibration and Control, Bifurcation and Chaos, Approximate Methods, Data-Driven Techniques, Machine Learning
Guo W, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Reliability of hypersonic airfoil with freeplay and stochasticity via nonlinear energy sink[J]. To appear in AIAA Journal, April 2024.
Wang X, Feng J, Liu Q, et al. Noise-induced alternations and data-driven parameter estimation of a stochastic perceptual model[J]. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2024: 1-13.
Du X, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Shimmy dynamics in a dual-wheel nose landing gear with freeplay under stochastic wind disturbances[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, 112(4): 2477-2499.
Feng J, Wang X, Liu Q, et al. Deep learning-based parameter estimation of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions with measurement noise[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023, 127: 107589.
Zhao D, Li Y G, Xu Y, et al. Probabilistic description of extreme oscillations and reliability analysis in rolling motion under stochastic excitation[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2023, 66(9): 2586-2596.
Zhao D, Li Y, Liu Q, et al. The occurrence mechanisms of extreme events in a class of nonlinear Duffing-type systems under random excitations[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2023, 33(8): 083109.
Guo W, Xu Y, Li Y, et al. Dynamic responses of a conceptual two-dimensional airfoil in hypersonic flows with random perturbations[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2023, 121: 103920.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Li Y. Complex dynamics of a conceptual airfoil structure with consideration of extreme flight conditions[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, 111(16): 14991-15010.
Zhang H, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Deep learning framework for solving Fokker–Planck equations with low-rank separation representation[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 121: 106036.
Wang X, Feng J, Liu Q, et al. Neural network-based parameter estimation of stochastic differential equations driven by Lévy noise[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 606: 128146.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Kurths J, et al. Complex nonlinear dynamics and vibration suppression of conceptual airfoil models: A state-of-the-art overview[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2022, 32(6): 062101.
Zhang H, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Solving Fokker–Planck equations using deep KD-tree with a small amount of data[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 108(4): 4029-4043.
Ma J, Liu Q, Xu Y, et al. Early warning of noise-induced catastrophic high-amplitude oscillations in an airfoil model[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2022, 32(3): 033119.
Zhao D, Li Y, Xu Y, et al. Extreme events in a class of nonlinear Duffing-type oscillators with a parametric periodic force[J]. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022, 137(3): 314.
Zhang X, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Rate-dependent tipping and early warning in a thermoacoustic system under extreme operating environment[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2021, 31(11): 113115.
Guo R, Liu Q, Li J, et al. Response statistics of a shape memory alloy oscillator with random excitation[J]. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(21): 10175.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Li Y, et al. Fixed-interval smoothing of an aeroelastic airfoil model with cubic or free-play nonlinearity in incompressible flow[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, 37(7): 1168-1182.
Zhang X, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Rate-dependent bifurcation dodging in a thermoacoustic system driven by colored noise[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 104: 2733-2743.
Zhang X Y, Xu Y, Liu Q, et al. Rate-dependent tipping-delay phenomenon in a thermoacoustic system with colored noise[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63(11): 2315-2327.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Kurths J. Bistability and stochastic jumps in an airfoil system with viscoelastic material property and random fluctuations[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2020, 84: 105184.
Xu Y, Zhang H, Li Y, et al. Solving Fokker-Planck equation using deep learning[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020, 30(1): 013133.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Xu C, et al. The sliding mode control for an airfoil system driven by harmonic and colored Gaussian noise excitations[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 64: 249-264.
Liu Q, Xu Y, Kurths J. Active vibration suppression of a novel airfoil model with fractional order viscoelastic constitutive relationship[J]. Journal of Sound and vibration, 2018, 432: 50-64.
Xu Y, Liu Q, Guo G, et al. Dynamical responses of airfoil models with harmonic excitation under uncertain disturbance[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 89: 1579-1590.
Honors and Awards
- The Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of NPU (Top 3%), April 2024;
- The First Prize of the Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Society for Vibration Engineering (as the fourth winner), Shaanxi Society for Vibration Engineering, China, 2023;
- The Sino-German (CSC-DAAD) Postdoc Scholarship (only 50 people were selected), 2021;
- The 2022 High Impact Paper Award of the Science China Technological Sciences (as the third author, only 16 papers were selected out of about 230 articles), Science China Press, 2023;
- The First Prize of the Sixth Postgraduate Innovation Achievement Award (as the first winner), Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government, 2022;
- The First Prize of the 1st Postgraduate Forum of School of Mathematics and Statistics, NPU, 2022;
- The First Prize of the Third Postgraduate Innovation Achievement Award (as the sixth winner, only 1 item in Science in NPU, Top 1%), Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government, 2017;
- The First-Class Academic Scholarship of NPU (Doctor) (2 times, Top 10%), 2017, 2018;
- The Outstanding Postgraduate of NPU (Doctor) (2 times, Top 10%), 2017, 2018;
- The Second-Class Special Scholarship of Beijing Jingdiao, Beijing Jingdiao Group, 2016;
- The Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of NPU (Top 5%), 2016;
- The Second Prize of the Preliminary Round of the Fifth National University Mathematics Competition (Mathematics Category) (Top 1%), Chinese Mathematical Society, 2014;
- The National Encouragement Scholarship for Undergraduate Students, China (Top 3%), 2013;
- The Outstanding Student of NPU (Bachelor) (2 times, Top 5%), 2013, 2014;
- The Second Prize of the Mathematical Modeling Competition of NPU (2 times, Top 5%), 2013, 2014;
- The Third Prize of the Pure Mathematics Competition of NPU, 2013.
April 12, 2024
Invited Speaker at The 3rd Edition of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Virtual 2024 (V-MAE2024), April 12, 2024, Online Conference
August 20, 2023
Chairman at The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), Aug 20-25, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
June 05, 2023
Plenary Speech at IUTAM Symposium on Data-driven Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics with the Control, June 5-9, 2023, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
July 24, 2021
Invited Talk at The 8th International Conference on Vibration Engineering (ICVE 2021), July 24-26, 2021, Shanghai, China
Journal Reviewer
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
- Aerospace Science and Technology
- Chaos Solitons and Fractals
- ISA Transactions
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Chaos
- Physics of Fluids
- Signal Processing
- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
- European Physical Journal Special Topics
- Physica Scripta
- International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Mathematics
- Machines
Professional Skills
Programming Language: Matlab, Python, LATEX, C/C++, Fortran, Maple
Package or Framework: NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, Seaborn, Tensorflow